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Using A Simple Handbook That Allows You To Plan Your Relocation And Move Forward To Chile, Without Wasting Hours Searching For Up-to-date Information Or Guessing What You Should Do Next.


The Chile Handbook for Foreigners is a comprehensive guide to relocating to Chile, which covers all aspects a foreigner relocating to Chile has to deal with.

I created this handbook to help foreigners looking to relocate to Chile. I wanted them to have one reliable source of information so they could quickly start their move without wasting time figuring out each step.

This book is the result of my 7-year experience assisting foreigners in their relocation process. I compiled many questions I got and situations I faced into a practical guide.


Only $7.00 Today


Download The Book For $37 Just $7.00! Delivered instantly. Start reading in 2 minutes.

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Backed by Our 100% Money Back Guarantee.


Before I created the Chile Handbook – I was receiving daily questions from foreigners looking to move to Chile… Often, very similar questions. While I try to help as much as possible, it takes time to reply in detail to questions.

So I decided to find a better way.

After several months compiling and structuring all the questions I received in the past few years, I created a comprehensive yet practical handbook.

The Chile Handbook allows you to get a first overview of Chile, discover the pros and cons, and what you will have to do to relocate permanently to this country…

You get reliable, updated information about the country, so that you can plan your relocation faster and avoid costly mistakes.


Relocating to a new country is a major event for most people – something they do once or twice in their lifetime…

…And this kind of change can generate stress and anxiety.

Finding reliable information before acting is the #1 time waster you will face in your relocation project….

…That’s why I wrote the Chile Handbook for Foreigners to allow you to directly get clear answers and stop hesitating (and stressing out)…

…And therefore you and your family can actually enjoy the move

Then, whether or not you move is up to you.

…Here are a few of my past clients and their testimonials so that you can verify that I know what I am talking about:





24 chapters. Focused on helping you plan your move to Chile in advance and relocate without stress.

  • PRICE: $7.00


Where do I start? A relocation project can be overwhelming. Our checklist focuses on getting you started quickly.

  • PRICE: $27

Decide where to live in Chile, or negotiate your relocation package by knowing in advance your future cost of living.

  • PRICE: $47

Determining which school to send your children to can be difficult. Our schools' database makes it easier to pre-select institutions before contacting them.

  • PRICE: $47

This 60-page presentation with 100+ photos goes more in-depth into each area of Santiago where foreigners tend to settle.

  • PRICE: $47

Administrations, real estate portals, and online shopping sites. These are websites to know so you can plan in advance.

  • PRICE: $37

A short, 2-page memo on the situation before/after the 2022 immigration law and its consequences for foreigners.

  • PRICE: $17


I put everything I’ve learned in this book so that you can learn from my mistakes, my wins, as well as benefiting from all the time and effortthat has gone into the experiences that made this book possible.

24 Chapters

One chapter per topic for easy access.

265 Pages

Everything you need to know to start moving to Chile.

1 Checklist

One step at a time to avoid stress and wasted time.

Get the Correct Visa to Live in Chile

Without spending days figuring out which one suits you and what are the requirements

Find your
New Home

In the right location and at a reasonable price, without paying the “foreigner” tax or getting scammed

Take Care of your Health

Get the health insurance that suits you and don’t overpay for insurance you do not use

Get a Bank Account

So you stop paying excessive fees for international transfers and simplify your day-to-day life

Find a Job or Create a Business

Discover work and business opportunities in Chile

Find the Best School for your Children

So they can enjoy their stay in Chile, too

Organize your taxes

Benefit from Chile tax exemptions for foreigners and avoid double taxation issues


Here's Everything Else You're Getting With Your
Chile Handbook For Only $7.00


Where do I start? A relocation project can be overwhelming. Our relocation checklist focuses on getting you started quickly.

  • PRICE: $27


Decide where to live in Chile, or negotiate your relocation package by having a realistic assessment of the cost of living based on your expectations.

  • PRICE: $47


Determining which school to send your children to can be difficult. Our schools' database makes it easier to pre-select institutions before contacting them.

  • PRICE: $47


This 60-page presentation with 100+ photos goes more in-depth into each area of Santiago where foreigners tend to settle.

  • PRICE: $47


Administrations, real estate portals, and online shopping sites. These are websites to know so you can plan in advance.

  • PRICE: $37


A short, 2-page memo on the situation before/after the 2022 immigration law, and its impact for foreigners.

  • PRICE: $17


Here's Why I Wrote The Chile Handbook To Transform Your Chilean Dream into Reality By Sharing Proven Tips And Simplifying Your Relocation

 This Is The Only Completely New, Fully Updated 2024 Book About Chile For Foreigners - Read The Story Below To Discover More About The Chile Handbook For Foreigners


From: The desk of Jérémie Le Pévédic

Re: Relocating to Chile

Dear Future Chilean Resident,

I can do something you can’t.

I can file a visa application in 2-3 weeks, knowing immigration will approve it without numerous additional document requests…

And then, when my clients arrive, I can easily find a property that fits their specific criteria within a few days, without them wasting time in unnecessary visits… Often, the first we visit is the one they end up with.

And then…

Find them the healthcare plan that best matches their family situation – to avoid them overpaying for health insurance…

And I could keep going… regarding every single step of the relocation in Chile.


You should be. 

After all, you can’t believe everything you read on the internet :-) 

You Want Proof - Real Proof...

You want proof that it worked for me.

You want proof that it worked for others.

And Most Of All You Want Proof That It’s Going To Work For You

But first, read this disclaimer:

I have been living in Chile since 2015… for almost 10 years... I have been helping foreigners to settle in Chile for 7 years now.

Before moving to Chile, I lived and worked in Saudi Arabia, China, Sweden, Ireland, Ukraine, the USA, the UK, Hong Kong, Japan…

The average person who buys any “how-to” information gets little to no results.

Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic.

Relocating to a new country entails risk, and requires planning, as well as massive and consistent effort and action.

If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET THIS BOOK.

And yes, it took me time and energy to achieve my results. I arrived barely knowing Spanish.

With that said … let me jump right in and show you…

And I Did It By Using A Systematic Process That I’m About To Share With You On This Very Page…

The same systematic process that I am now using for my clients from all over the world to make sure they settle in Chile as swiftly as possible…

...All while avoiding wasting time so they can focus on WHAT THEY WANT...

...And best of all, it reduces their uncertainty and stress levels.

...A Rational Approach Unlike What Most People Do When Relocating...

Like I said…

I wrote the Chile Handbook so that you can get rid of 99% of all the BS that I hate when it comes to relocating to Chile…

Here is what foreigners often do:

  • Reading numerous web pages… trying to figure out which one has updated information… and guessing which ones actually apply to your situation…
  • ​Trusting other foreigners’ advice on Facebook expat groups, who think they know better because they did the same process 8 years ago… without realizing things have changed dramatically in Chile in 8 years…
  • Listening to Chileans… They are willing to help… but usually have no idea of what it is to relocate to a new country and often do not have the same expectations as you have… they sometimes reply to your question… because they are embarrassed to say they do not know… You end up losing more time following bad advice…
  • Blindly believing the information you get from governmental administrations… Entry-level civil servants are not very well trained… and not up-to-date on the frequent changes that occur…
  • ​​Listening to realtors… They are often more interested in maintaining their relationship with the property owner than protecting the tenant's interests…

The Chile Handbook and all the associated systems That I developed over the year Freed Me From All That

Here’s the typical approach of many foreigners relocating to Chile (and If you’ve ever moved to a new country, then I’m sure you can relate)…

  Step 1 - They start searching for information online, browsing many different websites, which often have contradictory information.

  Step 2 - They publish their questions on forums or Facebook groups.

  Step 3 - They contact realtors or relocation agencies, asking questions, hoping to get free advisory.

  Step 4 - They guess which visa could be the best for their situation.

  Step 5 - They guess what documents are needed for the visa application.

  Step 6 - After arriving, they try to identify the best area to live in without really knowing much about any area.

  Step 7 - Then they try to figure out what the property they want could cost in the area they have chosen.

  Step 8 - They try to find a reliable real estate agent…

  Step N - ... (I could keep going for a long time, but you get the point.)

Each step implies doing some online research and a lot of guessing…

This iterative, tedious process not only sucks but also keeps many people stuck for years – when they could be moving forward with their life in Chile.

To be honest…

When I followed up after a few months with foreigners who contacted me, many almost gave up on the idea of moving to Chile…

... So, to avoid them giving up...

I decided to write a book.

Something that – by pointing them in the right direction.

It would really help them move forward.

And I spent months turning my experience into a comprehensive book...

And I Put This Entire Knowledge In A 265-Page book Called "The Chile Handbook for Foreigners" And You Can Start Reading It In Just A Few Moments From Now…

But before you do.

I’d like to introduce myself and tell you about how all this came to be.

My name is Jérémie Le Pévédic…

You probably haven’t heard that name before. Unless you have already started to research about Chile and you found the website of my relocation agency, www.expat.cl.

I have been living in Chile for almost 10 years now. My first trip to Chile was in 2014. I have visited many places in this country and around. 

Here are some...

As of writing this, I’m currently living in Santiago, Chile. I still love the country and its many options. This narrow 4,000km vertical strip of land naturally results in such a great diversity of climates.

The Chile Handbook For Foreigners Is One Of The Most Comprehensive And Easy-To-Use If You Want To Relocate to Chile

Just think about it: 

 Do you want to risk seeing your visa application rejected? Do you want to have to explain to your family that you have to postpone their dream move because of an error in the application?

 Do you want to damage (or worse, lost…) your personal belongings because you did not verify the provider that takes care of your shipment once it arrives in Chile?

 Do you want to overpay for your rental because you cannot verify the market price?

 Do you want to risk being scammed when buying real estate because you cannot verify if the seller is indeed the property owner?

I guess you replied No to all these questions…

… unfortunately…

…All these situations happened to foreigners who contacted me… too late…

And That Was The Reason Why I Started Writing the Chilean Handbook For Foreigners

When I arrived in 2015, I was frustrated with the lack of comprehensive, accurate support for foreigners…

I had no idea how to navigate the local bureaucracy, understand 

cultural nuances, or establish a network in the community.

I had limited knowledge of Spanish.

All I had was my previous experience relocating abroad… in multiple countries…

I still had to put in the work to research, network, and adapt to the local environment.

When my first business failed, I really considered coming back to France… where I grew up…

After a few years and doing a bit of research - I started the company Expat.cl in 2017

To offer a systematized approach to relocation, not a random guessing approach…

Wanna Know What The Main Difference Is With My Systematic Process And That “Standard Way” Of Doing Things?

Let’s take Real Estate as an example.

What process would you rather do?

And I could repeat this chart for every task of a relocation: visa application, property search, college application, pet relocation, shipping your belongings…

If you follow every single step of a detailed checklist, you end up where you want to go faster than if you have to figure it out on your own...

But it’s much more than that...

It Actually Reduces the Possible Mistakes and the Risk You Take When Relocating in a Country You Don’t Know Much About...

How many times have you tried to learn something new over the years? How was your result the first time you tried something? 

Think about:

  The first time you learn to ride a bike…

  The first time you had to drive a car…

  The first recipe you tried to cook…

  The first time you attempted to swim…

  The first time you tried to learn a new language…

When starting something new, the amount of work can seem overwhelming.

Now, speaking about relocating to a new country...

I’m going to share something that may be a little bit disturbing with you.

Ready for it?

The #1 Mistake Many Foreigners Make Is Assuming That Things Work Exactly Like In Their Country Of Origin

Here’s why:

Relocating to a new country means encountering different cultural norms, business practices, and legal systems…

Facing the unknown, it can be tempting to hold on to familiar habits and methods…

…Assuming that something works the same avoids to have to investigate the difference.

And that’s when problems, honest mistakes, and sometimes scams occur.

Rejected visa application, Bad rental conditions… or financial losses due to a wrong real estate purchase, to name a few…

The solution?

A Detailed Handbook For Foreigners With A Step-By-Step Checklist On How To Relocate To Chile.

That's right...

I wrote it for me initially…

…I wanted guidelines to quickly understand how a foreign environment works… to be able to adapt quickly...

…so I used my relocation experience to create it… and slowly perfected it through the years each time I faced a new situation for a client or myself…

...Because I would rather use a systematic process that gives me repeatable results instead of constant frustration and inefficiency.

So here's the deal...

...I explain everything in the Chile Handbook For Foreigners. It's a 265-page book that shows you everything you need to know…

…together with a detailed checklist that shows you everything you need to do…

And you know what? I'll Stake My Entire Reputation On This One Promise

Relocating to a new country isn’t something you ever need to worry about again – even if you have never done it before.

It’s something that many have done before you… And that is perfectly doable… when done one step at a time…

…If you try to do everything at the same time, though, you won’t get anywhere…

Here’s what I want you to do now: set your calendar right now - set it to 90 days from today.

Because if you implement everything I’m going to share with you in the checklist that goes with the Chile Handbook For Foreigners.

That’s when you’ll start seeing your first results. By that time, you will likely have filed your visa application and have a good idea of where you want to live.

Your Chilean dream will start to get closer and closer.

That’s how easy this is. 

I know how ridiculous that sounds… and how cliche that sounds…

here's what you're going to discover in the Chile Handbook for Foreigners

 Don’t know what visa you need to relocate long-term to Chile? Take our 17-question visa quiz to determine the best visa for your situation, and discover the factors to consider before applying if your goal is to become a permanent resident

Take the quiz on page 35

 Need help to prepare the documents while taking care of your visa application? Discover three valuable services that can help you prepare the required visa documentation if you want to apply on your own. Without involving immigration lawyers!

Read about them on page 54

 Where to live in Chile: an overview of the different regions and cities where foreigners usually relocate, with a description of each one and who it is best suited for. Discover also the few places to avoid (even if you work there), with better alternatives nearby.

List starts on page 59

 The local Chilean real estate portals to search for your new home. Do not use international English portals that are often outdated and misleading…

Check on page 75... and 153 if you buy a property

 How to rent a property in Chile? An introduction to real estate rental contracts in Chile: how/where to sign, when to pay the property owner when signing the contract (so you are protected against scams…)

See page 80

 Utilities, internet, and phone: how to register with providers and quickly pay them using a single online platform… and a tip to reduce your gas bill during winter.

All Explained on pages 83-90

 A comparison of the public and private health insurance systems in Chile, as well as the international health insurance providers… and how you can combine various providers to get the best protection at an affordable cost…

Compare on page 110

 Three little-known pharmacy options to decrease your medical costs if you are on a budget… As well as recommended brands that sell quality supplements (not the one you see in the main pharmacies…)

See page 118

 The specific administrative procedure you must follow when traveling in and out of Chile with your children. Plan in advance and avoid being denied boarding with your children…

Read about it on page 104

 Understand education in Chile: An introduction to international colleges and universities and the details of the application process for private colleges, which can be cumbersome. If you have children, this is something to put in priority…

Check out page 97

 Do you plan to relocate with your pets? Discover the strict procedures from the Chilean Agricultural agency you have to comply with –plan in advance and avoid issues during the relocation…

Information on page 108

 The 3 criteria to avoid paying 6% custom tax and 19% VAT when shipping your personal belongings to Chile. Get these done before shipping your container.

Revealed on page 135

 Understand how to open a bank account in Chile as a foreigner. This seemingly simple topic is actually one of the hardest tasks for foreigners due to bank bureaucracy. Discover shortcuts based on your situation…

Explained on page 125

 The alternatives to the international SWIFT transfers to move funds from your country of origin to Chile and vice versa. Save time and money when transferring funds internationally. For small and large amounts…

More details on page 128

 Looking to work in Chile? Learn the requirements to work in Chile legally. Get strategies to find a job locally. Discover where to get insights about local salaries.

See page 142

 Get a first overview of the Chilean tax framework, the exemptions for foreigners you could benefit from, and how to avoid double taxation between Chile and your country of origin…

All on page 133

 The detailed real estate buying process in Chile, including when and to whom to give the funds, some verification checks to conduct, how to make sure the escrow process works, and that the funds only get released to the seller when you receive the property title...

Broken down on page 154

 A detailed chapter about driving and vehicles: what brands should you prefer, what is the buying and selling process for vehicles, and what you should check to avoid issues when buying a car or motorcycle in Chile…

Look at pages 187 to 212

 The step-by-step process to get your Chilean driving license (warning: this is a complex process if you are not a citizen of the 10 countries with driving license equivalency agreements with Chile)...

See on page 195

 Understand the most common scams targeting foreigners moving to Chile: when applying for visas, when renting or buying real estate, as well as all the car-related and phone/WhatsApp scams.

Check out pages 82, 159, 193, and 255

 The two best methods to learn Spanish on your own before coming to Chile, as well as recommended online platforms and language schools if you need a teacher to speed up your learning process…

Turn to page 232

 The Chileans: Who are they? What should you expect? What are the main cultural differences? And a normal behavior here that may upset you…

See page 262

And much, much more!

Plus, you're going to get 6 bonuses with your Chile Handbook...

...Starting off with the...

Chile Relocation Checklist

Where do I start? A relocation project can be overwhelming. Our checklist focuses on getting you started quickly.

It will save you a lot of time, mistakes, and headaches.

It’s yours as soon as you check out.

  • PRICE: $27

Plus, you're going to get my...

Chile Cost of Living Calculator

One of the biggest questions we get when people starts their journey to Chile is “how much does life cost?”

Figuring out from abroad can be difficult, which is why you get an online spreadsheet to calculate a range of your cost of living, based on your family size and expectations.

It notably covers:
- Real Estate Rentals
- School
- Food
- Transportation

  • PRICE: $47

And you're also getting the...

International Schools Database

It can be difficult to figure out which school to send your children to. Our schools database makes it easier to preselect institutions before contacting them.

The main criteria:
- Type of school
- Location
- Language(s) teached
- Accepted levels
- Estimated cost per month

  • PRICE: $47

On top of that, you're going to get my...

Guide of Santiago Areas for Foreigners

This 60-page presentation with 100+ photos goes more in depth into each areas of Santiago where foreigners tend to settle:
- Overview of the type of accomodation, with photos to give you an idea
- Shopping centers
- Hospital / Clinics

  • PRICE: $47

And along with that, you’re also going to get the…

List of Helpful Sites to Know

Governmental administrations, real estate portals, online shopping sites...

These are websites to know so you can plan in advance.

  • PRICE: $37

And just to make sure you don't get confused by the new immigration law, I also give you my...

2022 Immigration Law Memo

A short, 2-page memo on the situation before/after the 2022 immigration law and its consequences for foreigners.

To make sure you do everything right when it comes to filing your visa application.

  • PRICE: $17

You’re getting the book and these one-of-a-kind 6 bonuses…

…and all that comes with the…

The World's Best Money Back Guarantee

And Why You Can't lose with this

Download Everything, Read It, Use It. If Not 100% Happy,
Get a Refund & Keep The Book Free of Charge

I know that before I get into anything…

...I’d like to know what I’m buying and that it’s backed by a solid money-back guarantee.

And I want you to be comfortable with this buy.

And even though it’s only $7.00 – you worked for that money and it counts. Like my grandpa used to say “Test drive the car before you drive it off the lot”…

So here’s what I’ve arranged:

Download the book, read it out, but more importantly apply what you learn in there.

And if you’re not blown away by what you learn.

Then just shoot me an email at [email protected] and request a refund within 30 days.

I’ll refund you your $7.00 and let you keep the Chile Handbook for Foreigners free of charge.

How’s that for for a money back guarantee? I’d say pretty good!

Before You Download The Chile Handbook - I Want You To Know - There is Actually A Catch

The catch is I'm going to promote everything I know will help you.

I realize this is very inexpensive and that I’m practically giving it away…

And you’re probably wondering:

“If you’re doing so well with this, why would you give it away for next to nothing?”…

So there has to be a “catch”…

And I know there are some websites out there that offer you a great deal on something but then they stick you in some program that charges your card every month.

This isn't one of them. 

There's NO hidden "continuity program" you have to try or anything even remotely like that...

...and no you don't have to buy our high-end support service where we help you relocate if you do not want...

I'm literally giving you this entire book, for $7.00, as a means of "putting my best foot forward" and demonstrating real value.

My hope is that you'll love it and this will be the start of a good business relationship for years to come.


But with all that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:

This Offer Does Not Expire. You can Buy It Today, You can Buy It Tomorrow, Or You Can Buy It in A Year...

I don't sell using hype and I don't use marketing tricks or gimmicks to get you to buy it...

...You were smart enough to read this far and you're smart enough to
recognize a great thing when you see it...

...This is an ebook after all so there is no official "expiration date" and I have virtually unlimited inventory.

But there is one thing that gets more difficult every day – which is immigration to Chile. 

Chile Immigration Won't Be Easy Forever

Since 2015, more than 1 million foreigners arrived in Chile...
...That's a bit more than 5% of the population.
Chile government had to regulate immigration. They started in 2018 with an emergency decree to restrict certain visa types and countries...
...Then continued in 2022 with a new immigration law further restricting residency visas... and increasing the waiting period to get a visa from 2 to 6-8 months (in some cases up to 14 months).

They won't stop there. The Chile Immigration Policy published in 2024 already plans to increase the minimum stay to qualify for Chilean citizenship... from 5 to 7 years... and to require a citizenship exam.

Chile is an attractive country for many foreigners... The government knows it... and also knows they cannot accept everyone...

...So they slowly raise the bar.

The choice is yours.

There comes a time when you have to make a choice and that time is now.

the price to Get Instant Access to The Chile Handbook for Foreigners & 6  Bonuses Is Just $7.00 – Here's Why:

Each one of my relocation clients pays $1,500 - $8,000 for me to take care of their relocation from A to Z...

... and as you can see from their testimonials – they are pretty happy with the results.

This is an ebook - and the price for everything I just told you about is just $7.00.

By lowering the price to $7.00, it allows me to reach more foreigners and in turn help them.

I consider that at true win/win...

Also in most cases, I take a loss when selling the book at this price.

It costs me just over $15.00 in advertising expense to sell one book.

So why would I do that?


I'm making this offer with the idea that you'll be very impressed with what I'm giving you today, and you'll want to do more business with me in the future...

I'm betting that you'll enjoy the book so much, you'll call and ask to get additional help from me. 

Oh. And in case you're wondering...

Of Course There’s A Money-Back Guarantee

In fact, I think it’s the best money-back guarantee in the world

Here’s the world’s best guarantee.

I know that before I get into anything…

…I’d like to know what I’m buying and that it’s backed by a solid money-back guarantee.

And I want you to be comfortable with this buy.

And even though it’s only $7.00 – you worked for that money and it counts.

Like my grandpa used to say “Test drive the car before you drive it off the lot”…

So here’s what I’ve arranged:

Download the book, read it out, but more importantly apply what you learn in there.

And if you’re not blown away by what you learn.

Then just shoot me an email and request a refund within 30 days.

I’ll refund you your $7.00 and let you keep the Chile Handbook for Foreigners free of charge.

How’s that for the world’s best money back guarantee? I’d say pretty good!

And since you’ve made it this far, I’ll assume that you’re ready to order...

So with that in mind...

Here's How Your Order And Get Instant Access to Everything I Just Told You About...

Click the button below, download the book and start planning your move to Chile...

Until then, good luck with your relocation to Chile,

P.S. Remember, the Chile Handbook for Foreigners comes with The BEST Money-Back Guarantee In The World.

Download it, read it, implement it, get results. 

And if you’re not happy for any reason (and I mean ANY reason) - just let me know and we’ll refund you your $7.00 and let you keep the book free of charge.


(Save $30.00 today)

Download The Book For $37 Just $7.00! Delivered instantly. Start reading in the next 2 minutes.

Available For Instant Download


When relocating to a new country, most people have the same first questions: What is the best visa for me? What are the requirements? How can I rent or buy a property? How can I get a job?…

I get many questions every week and unfortunately, I cannot reply to everyone. This is why I offer an affordable book: to reply to your first questions so you can start your relocation. It's not entirely selfless. My hope is that when you have more complicated questions later, you will think about me to assist you.

Here’s What’s You’ll Discover In The Chile Handbook

 Don’t know what visa you need to relocate long-term to Chile? Take our 17-question visa quiz to determine the best visa for your situation, and discover the factors to consider before applying if your goal is to become a permanent resident

Take the quiz on page 35

Need help to prepare the documents while taking care of your visa application? Discover three valuable services that can help you prepare the required visa documentation if you want to apply on your own. Without involving immigration lawyers!

Read about them on page 54

 Where to live in Chile: an overview of the different regions and cities where foreigners usually relocate, with a description of each one and who it is best suited for. Discover also the few places to avoid (even if you work there), with better alternatives nearby.

The list starts on page 59

 The local Chilean real estate portals to search for your new home. Do not use international English portals that are often outdated and misleading…

Check on page 75... and 153 if you buy a property

 How to rent a property in Chile? An introduction to real estate rental contracts in Chile: how/where to sign, when to pay the property owner when signing the contract (so you are protected against scams…)

See page 80


When relocating to a new country, most people have the same first questions: what is the best visa for me? what are the requirements? how can I rent or buy a property? how can I get a job?…

I get many questions every week and I unfortunately cannot reply to everyone. This is why I offer an affordable book: to reply to your first questions so you can start your relocation. It's not entirely selfless. My hope is that when you get more complicated questions later, you will think about me to assist you.

Download the Chile Handbook


(Save $30.00 today)

Download The Book For $37 Just $7.00! Delivered instantly. Start reading in the next 2 minutes.

Available For Instant Download

 Utilities, internet, and telephone: how to register with providers and quickly pay them using a single online platform… and a tip to reduce your gas bill during winter.

All Explained on pages 83-90

 A comparison of the public and private health insurance systems in Chile, as well as the international health insurance providers… and how you can combine various providers to get the best protection at an affordable cost…

Compare on page 110

 Three little-known pharmacy options to decrease your medical costs if you are on a budget… As well as recommended brands that sell quality supplements (not the one you see in the main pharmacies…)

See page 118

 The specific administrative procedure you must follow when traveling in and out of Chile with your children. Plan in advance and avoid being denied exit with your children…

Read about it on page 104

 Understand education in Chile: An introduction to international colleges and universities and the details of the application process for private colleges, which can be cumbersome. If you have children, this is something to put in priority…

Check out page 97

 Do you plan to relocate with your pets? Discover the strict procedures from the Chilean Agricultural agency you have to comply with – plan in advance and avoid issues during the relocation…

Information on page 108

 The 3 criteria to avoid paying 6% custom tax and 19% VAT when shipping your personal belongings to Chile. Get these done before shipping your container.

Revealed on page 135

 Understand how to open a bank account in Chile as a foreigner. This seemingly simple topic is actually one of the hardest tasks for foreigners due to bank bureaucracy. Discover shortcuts based on your situation…

Explained on page 125

 The alternatives to the international SWIFT transfers to move funds from your country of origin to Chile and vice versa. Save time and money when transferring funds internationally. For small and large amounts…

More details on page 128

 The detailed real estate buying process in Chile, including when and to whom to give the funds, the verification checks to conduct, how to make sure the escrow process works, and that the funds only get released to the seller when you receive the property title...

Broken down on page 154

Here's What Our Former Expat.cl Clients Have To Say

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this book for?

This is for anyone who wants to relocate to Chile and enjoy all the opportunities this country has to offer. Expatriates, retirees, investors, business owners, foreigners reuniting with their families, and so on.

One caveat, though: as this book focuses on foreigners moving long-term to Chile, it is not the best option for students who come to Chile for an internship or a semester.

Who are you?

I am Jérémie Le Pévédic, a French mechanical engineer who arrived in Chile in 2014. I founded the website and company expat.cl, a relocation agency for foreigners moving to Chile, in 2016. I have also been Chilean since being granted citizenship in 2022.

What is the Chile Handbook for Foreigners?

The Chile Handbook for Foreigners is a shortcut. It contains everything you need to start planning your new life in Chile. This will prevent you from wasting time reading conflicting information on different websites.

It comes from my 7-year experience as a relocation agency owner, so I keep it very practical. You are getting the first version, written in March and April 2024.

I want this. What exactly am I getting?

You are getting a copy of the Chile Handbook for Foreigners, available instantly. You are getting the Chile Relocation Checklist. You are getting our Cost of Living Calculator. You are getting our International Schools and Colleges Database.

You are getting the Guide of Santiago Areas for Foreigners, our list of Helpful sites to know, and a short memo detailing the impact for foreigners of the 2022 immigration law.

How is this different from other books?

The most recent books about Chile are tourist guides. They are great if you want to visit Chile for 2-3 weeks. However, if you want to live in Chile long-term, you will face issues (banking, visas, housing, and motoring… to name a few) not covered in these guides.

Do you offer more in-depth help?

Yes. Nothing was held back while writing this book, but for those who want further assistance, I offer opportunities to “upgrade” your order after purchasing.

I also have our group of private clients (by application only) if you want assistance with your relocation. I can, in particular, help you regarding visas (which can be complicated to get if you are in a specific situation) and real estate.

Is there a guarantee?

Yes, you get a 30-day money back guarantee in case it is not for you. I even let you keep the book.


When relocating to a new country, most people have the same first questions: What is the best visa for me? What are the requirements? How can I rent or buy a property? How can I get a job?…

I get many questions every week and unfortunately, I cannot reply to everyone. This is why I offer an affordable book: to reply to your first questions so you can start your relocation. It's not entirely selfless. My hope is that when you have more complicated questions later, you will think about me to assist you.

Download The Chile Handbook


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Download The Book For $37 Just $7.00! Delivered instantly. Start reading in the next 2 minutes.

Available For Instant Download





24 chapters. Focused on helping you plan your move to Chile in advance, and relocate there without stress.

  • PRICE: $7.00

Where do I start? A relocation project can be overwhelming. Our checklist focuses on getting you started quickly.

  • PRICE: $27

Decide where to live in Chile, or negotiate your relocation package by knowing in advance your future cost of living.

  • PRICE: $47

It can be difficult to figure out which school to send your children to. Our schools database makes it easier to preselect institutions before contacting them.

  • PRICE: $47

This 60-page presentation with 100+ photos goes more in depth into each areas of Santiago where foreigners tend to settle.

  • PRICE: $47

Administrations, real estate portals, online shopping sites. These are websites to know so you can plan in advance.

  • PRICE: $37

A short, 2-page memo on the situation before/after the 2022 immigration law, and its consequences for foreigners.

  • PRICE: $17


When relocating to a new country, most people have the same first questions: What is the best visa for me? What are the requirements? How can I rent or buy a property? How can I get a job?…

I get many questions every week and unfortunately, I cannot reply to everyone. This is why I offer an affordable book: to reply to your first questions so you can start your relocation. It's not entirely selfless. My hope is that when you have more complicated questions later, you will think about me to assist you.

(Save $30.00 today)

Download The Book For $37 Just $7.00! Delivered instantly. Start reading in the next 2 minutes.
100% secure 256-bit encrypted checkout
Backed by Our 100% Money Back Guarantee.




24 chapters. Focused on helping you plan your move to Chile in advance and relocate without stress.

  • PRICE: $7


Where do I start? A relocation project can be overwhelming. Our relocation checklist focuses on getting you started quickly.

  • PRICE: $27


Decide where to live in Chile, or negotiate your relocation package by having a realistic assessment of the cost of living based on your expectations.

  • PRICE: $47


Determining which school to send your children to can be difficult. Our schools' database makes it easier to pre-select institutions before contacting them.

  • PRICE: $47


This 60-page presentation with 100+ photos goes more in-depth into each area of Santiago where foreigners tend to settle.

  • PRICE: $47


Administrations, real estate portals, and online shopping sites. These are websites to know so you can plan in advance.

  • PRICE: $37


A short, 2-page memo on the situation before/after the 2022 immigration law and its consequences for foreigners.

  • PRICE: $17


(Save $30.00 today) Download The Book

For $37 Just $7.00! Delivered instantly.

Start reading in the next 2 minutes.




Chapter 1

Why Chile?

Discover the Pros and Cons of the country (if you are still deciding whether Chile is for you).

Chapter 2

Planning your move to Chile

Learn the main factors that take time when settling in Chile so that you can plan in advance to ensure a stress-free arrival.

Chapter 3

First visa? Choosing the correct one

Learn the different types of temporary residency visas available in Chile to determine which one to use for you and your family.

Chapter 4

Immigrating to Chile: the entire process

From a first-time residency visa to Chilean citizenship, including how to apply and what to keep in mind to avoid mistakes.

Chapter 5

Where to live?

A review of the 36 comunas where most foreigners settle, in the Santiago region, but also on the coast and in the north and south of Chile.

Chapter 6


Where and how to search for your new home? What to pay attention to before signing your real estate contract? How to take care of utilities, TV, internet, as well as furniture.

Chapter 7


An introduction to the Chilean education system, and the admission process to private colleges, which is (according to most of my expatriate clients) more complicated than in many countries.

Chapter 8


Recommended babysitting platform, recommended daycare… And the one critical administrative procedure that parents must perform before traveling with their children.

Chapter 9


An introduction to the administrative procedure and potential quarantine for pets entering Chile.

Chapter 10


A review of the public vs. private health system and public vs. private health insurance so you can decide. Plus tips for pharmacies and supplements…

Chapter 11


The three financial indicators you shall know... How to open a bank account in Chile? How to transfer funds from/to Chile without overpaying fees?

Chapter 12


The Chilean tax framework and the rules for foreigners in Chile. A tip to avoid taxes when shipping your personal belongings to Chile.

Chapter 13

Working in Chile

How to work legally? How to find a job? Can the spouse of an expat work? What salary and working conditions can you expect?

Chapter 14

Real estate in Chile

The Chilean real estate market, the buying and selling processes, and some scams to avoid. Plus, tips for investors looking to buy properties at auction.

Chapter 15

Doing business in Chile

Recommended company structures for foreigners and registration required. How to work as a freelance? Seven resources to get business support.

Chapter 16

Phone and internet

A review of mobile phones and operators in Chile. The required registration process to avoid having your foreign phone blocked after 90 days.

Chapter 17

Public transportation

Buses, Taxis, Airlines, Ferries, Trains: the different ways to move around and recommended applications and platforms to book them at the best price.

Chapter 18


How to buy a vehicle in Chile? The two services to use when buying a car. How to get a driving license? How to get insurance? And a life-saving tip for motorcycle drivers.

Chapter 19


The two main retail groups in Chile and their brands, but also free trade zones, outlets, and specialized districts in Santiago. How to buy online or import from abroad?

Chapter 20

Learning Spanish

The two best language methods to learn Spanish. Three platforms to learn online before coming. And an introduction to the Chilenismos.

Chapter 21

The Chilean administration

A review of 19 Chilean governmental administrations to know. More about the notary in Chile.

Chapter 22

Chilean history

Two pages and 17 dates, so that you get a basic understanding of the history in Chile without having to read a history book.

Chapter 23

Things to know

13 topics and tips that did not fit in the previous chapter, but you should know about.

Chapter 24

The Chileans

Discover who they are. What is their culture? What is their mentality? Are you going to have a cultural shock?



Only $7.00 Today

Download The Book For $37 Just $7.00! Delivered instantly. Start reading 2 minutes.

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Backed by Our 100% Money Back Guarantee.


I want this. What exactly am I getting?

You are getting a copy of the Chile Handbook for Foreigners, available instantly. You are getting the Chile Relocation Checklist. You are getting our Cost of Living Calculator.

You are getting our International Schools and Colleges Database. You are getting the Guide of Santiago Areas for Foreigners, our list of Helpful sites to know, and a short memo detailing the impact for foreigners of the 2022 immigration law.

What is the Chile Handbook for Foreigners?

The Chile Handbook for Foreigners is a shortcut. It contains everything you need to start planning your new life in Chile. This will prevent you from wasting time reading conflicting information on different websites.

It comes from my 7-year experience as a relocation agency owner, so I keep it very practical. You are getting the first version, written in March and April 2024.

Do you offer more in-depth help?

Yes. Nothing was held back while writing this book, but for those who want further assistance, I offer opportunities to “upgrade” your order after purchasing.

I also have our group of private clients (by application only) if you want assistance with your relocation. I can, in particular, help you regarding visas (which can be complicated to get if you are in a specific situation) and real estate.

How is this different from other books?

The most recent books about Chile are tourist guides. They are great if you want to visit Chile for 2-3 weeks. However, if you want to live in Chile long-term, you will face issues (banking, visas, housing, and motoring… to name a few) not covered in these guides.

The last English guide written for expatriates dates back to 2013. As you can imagine, it is outdated. The Chile Handbook provides you with updated content.

Who is this book for?

This is for anyone who wants to relocate to Chile and enjoy all the opportunities this country has to offer. Expatriates, retirees, investors, business owners, foreigners reuniting with their families, and so on.

One caveat, though: as this book focuses on foreigners moving long-term to Chile, it is not the best option for students who come to Chile for an internship or a semester.

Is there a guarantee?

Yes, you get a 30 day money back guarantee in case it is not for you. I even let you keep the book.

Who are you?

I am Jérémie Le Pévédic, a French mechanical engineer who arrived in Chile in 2014. I founded the website and company expat.cl, a relocation agency for foreigners moving to Chile, in 2016. I have also been Chilean since being granted citizenship in 2022.


I know that before I get into anything…I’d like to know what I’m buying and that it’s backed by a solid money-back guarantee.

And I want you to be comfortable with this buy.

And even though it’s only $7.00 – you worked for that money and it counts.

Like my grandpa used to say “Test drive the car before you drive it off the lot”…

So here’s what I’ve arranged:

Download the book, read it out, but more importantly apply what you learn in there.

And if you’re not blown away by what you learn.

Then just shoot me an email at [email protected] and request a refund within 30 days.

I’ll refund you your $7.00 and let you keep the Chile Handbook for Foreigners free of charge.

How’s that for for a money back guarantee? I’d say pretty good!



We cannot and do not guarantee your ability to relocate to Chile with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies. What we can guarantee is your satisfaction with our training. We give you a 30-day 100% satisfaction guarantee on the digital products we sell, so if you are not happy for any reason with the quality of our content, just ask for your money back. You should know that all products and services by our company are for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum shall be considered a promise or guarantee of results, legal, medical, tax or professional advice. Expat.cl is not affiliated with authorities, and any information available on these products, especially regarding immigration and visas, can become outdated without previous notice.

Use caution and before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.

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